How to advertise

As an advertiser you are in control of your advert. You can do a lot from your dashboard, the below table explains the charges and procedures involved with each action

Is there a charge? Will this update instantly? Is approval needed?
Changing my name
First name change is free, any further changes will incur a charge
Yes No Yes
Changing favorites
This can be done by editing your advert via your dashboard
No NoYes No
Updating my introduction
This can be done by editing your advert via your dashboard
No No Yes
Change my location
This can be done by editing your advert via your dashboard
No NoYes No
Change prices
This can be done by editing your advert via your dashboard
No NoYes No
Change my schedule
This can be done by editing your advert via your dashboard
No NoYes No
Add a banner
If you already have a banner you can activate it at any time, if you do not we can build you one for free.
Yes NoYes No
Update my images
After checking, we will later mark your images as "verified" or "not verified"
No NoYes No
Put my first ever advert online
We will check and validate your advert, ID and payment if you are a new customer
Yes No Yes
Get my advert back online
This can be done via your dashboard at any time if you have sufficient credits in your account.
Yes NoYes No
Extend my advert
This can be done via your dashboard at any time if you have sufficient credits in your account.
Yes NoYes No