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Mature Sex The Facts And Sex And Ageing
January 6, 2019


There are certain aspects of growing older that really suck. The fact that I have to pay my own bills and can’t just spend all of my money on clothes, wine, and chocolate is one of those things. For others, it is sex. Some people hold the belief that mature sex just doesn’t happen… and that when it does it is just disappointing.

A sexy older woman posing nude on a bed, showing that mature people have better sex
July 12, 2016


A lot of things are said to get better with age: wine, whisky, and cheese are just a few. However, a lot of people tend to forget about one other, which is sex. The older you get, the better sex feels for you and is for you, and if you ask them, mature people will tell you that the sex they are having is the best sex of their life.

Mature women are the best, as this man proves when he stares at his beautiful older date
May 6, 2016

If you ask some people, certain things get better with age. Wine, whiskey, and women are just a few of them. Age is a wonderful thing, enhancing all of the abilities that we have and making them better. You learn a lot through the years, and that is why so many people think that mature women are better in bed… but are they really?